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Lazy - Home cleaning services - Link to download out app via Apple appstore Lazy - Home cleaning services - Link to download out app via Android appstore
Service Fee
This service
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If you have any further queries, please WhatsApp us at 55778724.
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Our helpers have different levels of grade, and you can choose different grades of our helpers according to your preferences. Understand more

Service options
  • checkouts.我們的一般收費已包了家務助理的基本交通費用, 但適用於地鐵沿線的地點, 如果地點需要另外轉車, 或額外步行超過30分鐘以上 (包括交通時間), 你便要選擇這個選項
  • Our service fee includes a basic transportation fee for our cleaners, which only applies to any location that is within 15 minutes walking distance from the nearest MTR station. You should check this option If you require the cleaner to spend another 15 minutes of extra walk and transportation
  • We will provide all necessary support to ensure our cleaner understand your request and scope of work